We would be deeply honored to have your support in championing The Well's mission to make the spiritual path of Jesus accessible to everyday New Yorkers.
Contribute Financially
One-time or recurring gifts can be set up on this page.
Please email hello@thewellnyc.life for the mailing address. Make checks payable to The Well Church in the City of New York.
Direct Deposit / Bank Wire / Donor Advisory Fund
Please email hello@thewellnyc.life to set up recurring donations. The Well Church in the City of New York is setup with Fidelity and Charles Schwab Charitable.
To donate in cryptocurrencies (i.e. Bitcoin) click on link below to go through the Coinbase checkout widget.
All donations are 100% tax deductible.
Contribute Time
Email us for more details or any questions! If you have other gifts to provide that's not listed below, email us anyway and we'll chat :).
Greet newcomers on Sundays /
Catering for special events
Catering for special events
IG/email/website designs / Copy /
Graphic design / Campaign manager
Graphic design / Campaign manager
Children's Ministry
Have a knack for kiddos?
We'd love to have you!
We'd love to have you!
AV team
Help out in any of these areas:
Tech / Camera / Live stream / Production
Tech / Camera / Live stream / Production
Want a robust prayer life?
Let's pray!
Let's pray!
Serve by setting up communion items
before service.
before service.